Grow a solid Change Management career by choosing the best Change courses

career change management learning Mar 17, 2024
Lata in blue top smiling; text: choosing the best course for your change management career

"It's the course I wish I'd done when I started in Change Management." 


If I had a dollar for every time one of my Leading Successful Change students has said this to me! For most Change Managers, they look at my Leading Successful Change program and think it's a beginner's course. And it's not hard to see why: I step through in super simple terms, complete with tools and templates, how to do end-to-end change delivery.


It covers everything from Setting Up Your Change for Success to Getting Stakeholders on Board, Crafting Incredible Communications, Building Training & Capability, Measuring Success & Embed, and finally, Inspiring THROUGH Change.


And surprisingly, this is really unique in the Change Management course market! Learning not just "about" change, but learning how to "do" Change with confidence through fit-for-purpose, practical application should be a no-brainer. Yet most courses teach theory, models, and concepts. So to me, LSC is the best start for anyone thinking of moving to a career in Change Management, especially because it is also infused with the personal transformation and career coaching needed to start and grow your Change Management career.


But many of my students who have done other Change Management courses, certifications, and accreditations, and those who have been working in Change for several years, also tell me: "LSC is NOT a beginner's course!" This is because I teach powerful Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) and Coaching techniques that you can use with your projects, leaders, and teams to inspire and empower them to come on board, believe in the change, receive the change, and own the change. And at the same time, boost your passion and enthusiasm for Change Management, too.

How to choose a Change course


Picking a Change course isn't a one-size-fits-all and you really need to think about what you're trying to achieve, how you best like to learn, and what would help you feel confident both now and in the future. 


I’ve developed a solid list of questions to ask yourself when you're picking Change courses, based on the 4Ds criteria I like to consider when I'm choosing how best to invest in myself through courses, training and programs (whether in Change or anything else!):

  1. Demand
  2. Delivery
  3. Discovery
  4. Destiny


You can download my free Ultimate Checklist for Choosing a Change Course here to go through these questions for each course option you’re considering. See your spread of YES and then feel into your heart. Your career, your choice - your best next step is yours to make.



How my LSC course rates

With Leading Successful Change, you get lifetime access to the course modules, community, and live coaching calls, along with a digital credential to add to your LinkedIn profile and CV.


My passion is helping you find financial abundance, flexibility and freedom, set your career and life up on your terms, and step into your leadership and your light. How do I know? Because I’ve done it myself and I know you can do it, too. You can have the career you want, earn what you know you’re worth, and do it confidently in a way that feels authentic to you. 


And if that career involves change leadership, come and join my “Leading Successful Change” program. Because you don’t just want to move to Change Management - you want to grow a solid and successful Change Management career and that means setting up a strong foundation, building the confidence to step into leadership, and getting ongoing support along the way.


CLICK HERE to join my March Group Cohort for Leading Successful Change


Lata xx

Free Coaching Action Guide :  Underpaid & Overlooked

If you're thinking about a pay rise, promotion or full career change, download my free "Underpaid & Overlooked Coaching Action Guide" now to change with confidence and earn your worth.

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