10 affirmations for feeling less anxious about career rejection

affirmations career change confidence interviews Feb 21, 2023
Lata in a white jumper smiling; text: 10 affirmations for feeling less anxious about career rejection

Once, I applied for 100 roles in the space of 3 days. I wanted to make the career change from Marketing to Change Management, and ideally get a pay rise and a step up in role level as well. I spent 3 weeks speaking with recruiters, talent teams, and hiring managers, and doing interviews with over 20 companies, flying and driving between Sydney and Gold Coast 6 times in the space of 3 weeks, and travelling all over the city by public transport in the pouring rain. I faced rejection multiple times a day, feeling not good enough, inexperienced and unworthy to go for a career change, pay rise or promotion, let alone all 3. 


When you’re going after your dreams, it’s easy for self-doubt and negative self-talk to drown out your confidence and leave you with a feeling of fear and dread. But your mindset is the most powerful tool at your fingertips and building that confidence and self-belief is essential to combatting career rejection no matter what you’re going after. Affirmations are positive statements that can help retrain and reframe your self-talk to support you to success.

Here’s 10 affirmations you can use to instantly remember your worth and help you commit to the career dreams you’ve set for yourself:


  1. I have many transferable skills at my fingertips
  2. I deserve to be paid for my skills and experiences and earn what I am worth
  3. I have worthwhile experiences I can draw on to help me in new situations
  4. People pay me for the value I bring, not the degrees I have
  5. It’s safe for me to learn and grow in a new job I’ve never done before
  6. If I believe in myself, others will believe in me too
  7. I am ready to take the next step in my career, leadership and life
  8. I am open to new opportunities right now
  9. I accept where I am at today and the potential I have tomorrow
  10. It’s a privilege to share my light with the world

When we release the fear of rejection, we step into the space of acceptance: accepting ourselves, accepting others, and accepting opportunities. We let our confidence and self-worth shine from the inside out and create ripples of light and positive impact to the people around us.


And if you’re wondering what happened to those 100 roles I applied for? I got one. It was a Senior Change Analyst role paying $15,000 more than my previous contract and I found myself leading change on a major project. Career change, pay rise and promotion in one move? That’s one I won’t reject!


If you’re keen to join hundreds of women in the highly-paid, purpose-driven career of Change Management, get my ever-popular "Intro to Change Management" webinar and discover the opportunities and potential that is possible:


CLICK HERE to get my "Intro to Change Management" webinar access

It comes with February Special Offer limited-time bonuses of a “Starting Out in Change Recruitment Q&A” with a leading Change recruiter (valued at $97) and my Personal Brand Blueprint (valued at $49). The February Special Offer ends Tuesday 21 February at 8.00pm AEDT (Sydney time).


Lata xx

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