When you want to change careers to Change Management, it can be super scary and a little bit...
Ever since I became a Change Consultant, I’ve had people curious about what it is I do and...
I’ve changed careers 5 times by the age of 35 and while I’ve generally been...
When you’re thinking of changing careers, it’s common to start thinking up all the...
If you’re looking for a new job right now, you are in the PERFECT place. Come New Year,...
I remember the time I had no job like it was yesterday. That moment of panic, that fear of losing...
I’m a bit of a flighty fox when it comes to my career. I am switched on by variety and...
I have amazing students in my epic Leading Successful Change program. Many of them started out as...
Once, I applied for 100 roles in the space of 3 days. I wanted to make the career change from...
When you want to step up in career, leadership and life, you’ve got to put yourself out...
If I had a dollar for every time that someone asked me what Change course they should do, I'd...
I've spent most of this year in hospital.
Nope, not for me.
For my...
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