Buy In vs Engagement in Change

change leadership change management engagement experience stakeholder engagement stakeholder management trust May 03, 2022
Lata at harbour smiling, text: buy in vs engagement

In Change Management, we often talk about getting our stakeholders to "buy in" to the change. Being an accredited Neuro-Linguistic Programming Practitioner, I know the power of language when it comes to creating meaning... and destroying it!


Because the problem with talking about "buy in" is that to buy something, it implies it must be "sold". And a lot of us have a real aversion to being "sold to".


It conjures up images of sleazy car salesmen glossing over broken motors and fudged odometer readings.


It brings back memories of clothing store owners telling you: "You look fabulous!" when the mirror is reflecting back an oversized tangerine marshmallow (#truestory - puffy orange sleeves are NOT flattering on L'il Lata).


It reminds you of tech company reps pushing their shiny object platforms on you despite half the features and functionality not being fit-for-purpose for your needs (and perhaps, in the background, not even ready...).


And of cheesy coaches and experts sliding into your LinkedIn DMs with silky promises (haha, that was probably me BACK BEFORE I KNEW BETTER! Apologies!).


Hell - I'm a business owner and I MYSELF still feel awkward selling my incredible Change Leadership program, even though I watch it helping amazing women change their leadership and lives every day. These days, I tend to "invite" people to the program instead (seriously - my sales page is actually called the "invitation page"). I let them know it's there and if they want to join, they do.


Because I hate being sold to. 

As I'm sure you do, too. 

And if WE both do.

Then your stakeholders probably do as well...

So why on earth would we want to "sell" our change to leaders and employees by trying to get them to "buy in"?


Leading your change from a place  of "buy in" energetically breaks down trust, rather than building. It puts your people on high alert and wary of false promises.


The beauty of going for "engagement" over "buy in" with your change is that engagement starts from a different place. It starts from within. It starts from a choice by your leaders and teams to decide for themselves that this change is going to be meaningful for them, and what that meaning will be. It goes from being "sold to" to being "engaged with".


Change engagement is like an actual engagement - a commitment a stakeholder makes to the change, not just now, but well into the future. It symbolises the hope and promise of good times to come and a willingness to give it a go.


And why would they make such a commitment?

Because their head is engaged?

No - because their HEART is.


Leaders and teams engage with a change when the meaning is so compelling for them that to resist the change would break their little heart.


So how do you do it? 


Well, that's what I'll be covering in my "Engaging Hearts and Minds through Change" webinar on Wednesday 18 May.


This isn't a sales pitch - the webinar is completely free. And of course at the end of it, I'll be sharing how you can join my Change Leadership program (after all, I do need to practise!). 


Register your free spot for the webinar below:


CLICK HERE to save your spot on my Engaging Hearts and Minds through Change webinar


Lata xx

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