My favourite part of any change is to be able to share back the experience that we went through...
The Business Readiness Check is an absolutely critical tool in the delivery of successful...
When you’re working in a Change team or as a sole practitioner, people in the project or...
Something that happens all too frequently for Change Managers is something we often overlook. We...
Stakeholder engagement is a massive part of leading change and truth talk: even though I’m...
Not everyone's an expert in Change Management, and you'll come across a lot of people who...
It’s no secret that I’m a foodie and food is such an important part of my life that I...
There's an infinite number of blog posts, articles and opinion pieces about the difference...
If any of my previous employers are reading this: this is the truth.
When I worked...
I'm about to wrap up May and this month's focus on "change engagement". Here's a few last Q&A...
Employee engagement surveys are a major part of measuring the success of a change, or even just...
Last week, I shared about an amazing team conference I went to.
And I told it as a...

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