The Ultimate Checklist for choosing a Change course

capability career change change leadership change management confidence project success skills Nov 29, 2022
Lata in peach jumper smiling; text: form emoji, checklist:, green tick emoji, choosing a change course

If I had a dollar for every time that someone asked me what Change course they should do, I'd have a very full money box. 


But picking a Change course isn't a one-size-fits-all and you really need to think about what you're trying to achieve, how you best like to learn, and what would help you feel confident both now and in the future. 


So here's a list of questions to ask yourself when you're picking Change courses, based on the 4Ds criteria I like to consider when I'm choosing how best to invest in myself through courses, training and programs (whether in Change or anything else!):

1. Demand

2. Delivery

3. Discovery

4. Destiny



You can grab a notepad and pen and write your answers to this list or download my free Ultimate Checklist for Choosing a Change Course here.


Ask yourself:

  • Is there a need and opportunity for this course now and in the future?
  • Is this course focused on practical skills I can use straight away?
  • Is this course taught by people who have expertise and experience in getting results with it?
  • Do I like and trust the trainer or coach? (if you don't know who your trainer/coach will be - this would be no?!)
  • Will I learn more about myself and my gifts?
  • Will this course give me confidence to grow in my career, leadership and life?
  • Will I learn more about other people and how to connect better with them (after all, as we say in Coaching, life is relationships!)?
  • Does this course feel like the way to joy and freedom?
  • Will I meet others who are like me?
  • Have others gotten good results and benefits from this course?
  • Can I do this course in a way that suits my time zone and schedule? (such as online learning, recordings of live sessions, always-on channels)
  • Can I do this course without taking unpaid leave?
  • If I like to learn by myself - can I do that?
  • If I like to learn with others - can I do that?
  • Does this course support my learning beyond the content and into the future?
  • Will this course hold me accountable to put what I learn into practice?
  • Will I get a credential or certificate that I can share with employers and networks (and frame for my wall!)?
  • Can I see, hear or feel a return on investment by doing this course and does it make sense to me?
  • If life changes, can I come back to this course at any time?
  • Am I ready to invest in myself and my future?


Complete these questions or the downloadable checklist for each course option.


Choosing your course

Alrighty, so check out your checklist (or checklists if you’re comparing several options) and see your spread of YES. This is your head - the logical, rational part of decision-making. You don’t need to have every YES box ticked for the course… but obviously the more the better!


Then - close your eyes, take a deep breath, and feel into your heart. Ask it what it wants and what you are worth to have the future you deserve. This is the intuitive, emotional part of decision-making and is just as important as your checklist. Then… choose!


Your career, your choice - your best next step is yours to make.


How can I help?

My passion is helping you find financial abundance, flexibility and freedom, set your career and life up on your terms, and step into your leadership and your light. How do I know? Because I’ve done it myself and I know you can do it, too. You can have the career you want, earn what you know you’re worth, and do it confidently in a way that feels authentic to you. 


And if that career involves change leadership, come and join my “Leading Successful Change” program.


CLICK HERE to find out more about Leading Successful Change


Lata xx

Free Coaching Action Guide :  Underpaid & Overlooked

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