Stop feeling guilty: tools to take back your power

career change coaching confidence pay rise power promotion Feb 01, 2022
Lata looking to the left, text: tools to stop feeling guilty

The boss/employee relationship is a tricky beast for many women to tame, and can be even trickier for younger generations like millennials. 


There are so many expectations on both sides, and sometimes it can be hard to ask for more responsibility, growth, challenge, and even pay. 


Trust me, I've been there.



I've been caught between loyalty and selfishness.

I've been caught between sincere gratitude and teeth-biting frustration.

I've been caught between people telling me what I'm allowed to do... and my own belief of the power and potential inside me. 



There was a time when I wanted a promotion so badly, and I didn't get it. 

That's only ever happened once... because I've learnt from that experience and chose forever more to own my own career.



You CAN stop feeling guilty for wanting more. 

You CAN disconnect from the "debt" you feel from someone or somewhere that gave you a chance, gave you your lucky break, or gave you support when you needed it (like mat leave... it's a right, not a favour).

You CAN take back your power when asking for a promotion.



Here's how:

  • Reframe selfishness to self-love: "I deserve to be happy and fulfilled."
  • Reframe frustration to awareness: "I now know where my areas to grow are."
  • Reframe potential to destiny: "It's my path to become the best version of me I can be."


When you stop making yourself wrong for wanting more, you start inviting more right into your life. 


If you'd like my 5-step process to build inner confidence and self-worth when going for a promotion or career change, join my upcoming free "Underpaid & Overlooked Confidence Workshop". We'll be kicking off from Tuesday 15 February, it'll be hosted online, and you can register your free spot below (but be quick as spaces are limited).


CLICK HERE to register for my free Underpaid & Overlooked Confidence Workshop


Lata xx

Free Coaching Action Guide :  Underpaid & Overlooked

If you're thinking about a pay rise, promotion or full career change, download my free "Underpaid & Overlooked Coaching Action Guide" now to change with confidence and earn your worth.

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