Recapturing your love of Change by delegating to Change Analysts Oct 15, 2023

We Change Managers love to sink our teeth into a change and be all things to all people. It often...

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5 ways to instantly manifest the confidence to back yourself Jan 24, 2023

When you want to step up in career, leadership and life, you’ve got to put yourself out...

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Secrets to Successful Reflection Dec 06, 2022

When I was a teenager, I was super critical of everyone and everything. I had high standards,...

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All My Belief: The story behind my email sign off Aug 23, 2022

One of the questions I didn’t have time to answer on my Live Workshop + Q&A was this:


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An expert's guide to nailing Change interviews Aug 16, 2022

If you are starting out in Change or moving roles in Change, what would you need to be thinking...

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Thriving vs Surviving: Remote work preferences Jun 21, 2022

What did I miss the most when I did a 6-week stint in Field Sales? 


Having a bathroom...

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The damage waiting is having on your health Feb 15, 2022

Early in my career in Marketing, I missed out on a dream role. The role would have given me...

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6 myths about promotions - and why you believe them Feb 08, 2022

We're still really fresh into 2022 and things may only just be ramping up at work after the...

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Stop feeling guilty: tools to take back your power Feb 01, 2022

The boss/employee relationship is a tricky beast for many women to tame, and can be even trickier...

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Why you're nervous to ask for a pay rise Jan 25, 2022

For any woman who has had to ask for a pay rise, you know how nerve-racking it can be. You feel...

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Should you take a pay cut to change careers? Jan 18, 2022

Here's something I get asked ALL. THE. TIME.

"Do I have to take a pay cut to change careers?"


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7 ways to get a pay rise in the new year Jan 11, 2022

If you've done your goal setting for 2022, then chances are "pay rise" is on that list. 


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