I was recently asked if I’m an introvert or an extrovert because I was explaining how I...
As a Change Manager and a Coach, I love reflecting on my lessons learned and ideas for...
When going for a new role in Change Management (or any role for that matter!), what are the...
Stories are one of the most powerful tools for leading change (see my blog post on The Power of...
If you’re looking for a new job right now, you are in the PERFECT place. Come New Year,...
I remember the time I had no job like it was yesterday. That moment of panic, that fear of losing...
When leading change, training is a major part of getting your teams ready for go live. With our...
One of the best parts of being a Change Manager is celebrating progress and success along the...
We Change Managers love to sink our teeth into a change and be all things to all people. It often...
Projects and change attract a certain type of person - high achievers that truly care about the...
The Change Impact Assessment is probably the most well-known and attention-attracting of all the...
Change Management is one of the best transferable skills out there because every leader leads...
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