In Change Management, we work on lots of different types of transformation. But technological...
It’s been almost 2 years since I moved from day rate contracting in Change Management to...
Communication is everything when it comes to leading change effectively. I love to define things...
I talk about myself A LOT. Stories about my career, life, experiences and opinions are pretty...
I’ve just wrapped up my March Change Tools Masterclass launch, and launches are a super...
YES I’M REAL! Once on LinkedIn, I got a lovely message saying how refreshing it was to see...
I’m a bit of a flighty fox when it comes to my career. I am switched on by variety and...
Change Management is an absolute buzz word and amidst layoffs and job loss, redundancies and...
When most people learn what Change Management really is, they realise: they’ve pretty much...
I have amazing students in my epic Leading Successful Change program. Many of them started out as...
Once, I applied for 100 roles in the space of 3 days. I wanted to make the career change from...
Do you remember Jenga? That game with the wooden blocks stacked in sets of 3 into a tall tower....
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