10 affirmations for feeling less anxious about career rejection Feb 21, 2023

Once, I applied for 100 roles in the space of 3 days. I wanted to make the career change from...

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Practical solutions for asking for a more senior role Feb 14, 2023

Do you remember Jenga? That game with the wooden blocks stacked in sets of 3 into a tall tower....

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Valuable lessons my Dad taught me about costly career decisions Feb 07, 2023

Like many Baby Boomer families, my dad was the main breadwinner for our family of 7 and had...

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Cautionary tales of negotiating your day rate Jan 31, 2023

When I first started in Change Management, I didn’t even know day rate contracting was an...

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5 ways to instantly manifest the confidence to back yourself Jan 24, 2023

When you want to step up in career, leadership and life, you’ve got to put yourself out...

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The true cost of not asking for a pay rise Jan 17, 2023

Wanting a pay rise is a perfectly valid request but the Catch-22 is: you’ve got to ask.


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How to set a big salary goal without shame Jan 10, 2023

Woohoo! I'm back, ready and raring to go for a new year. Did ya miss me?

If you did, that's ok.


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My Word of the Year for 2023 Jan 03, 2023

Hey lovely, 

I'm technically still on summer holiday break but I wanted to drop in to share...

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Secrets to Successful Reflection Dec 06, 2022

When I was a teenager, I was super critical of everyone and everything. I had high standards,...

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The Ultimate Checklist for choosing a Change course Nov 29, 2022

If I had a dollar for every time that someone asked me what Change course they should do, I'd...

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The worst advice you can hear about contracting Nov 22, 2022

I was having dinner once with a Project Manager at a conference who told me: “If I saw...

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Before you build change capability: READ THIS! Nov 15, 2022

There's a lot of people out there who think they know what Change Management is or they've...

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